Although it is written in Basque, the writer was from the United States of America. He was born on the 18th of October 1941. He is a British children’s author and a writer for television. He studied in many different Universities as  in Trinity College Dublin  and then he started to write different types of books like comedy or children’s books.


This book tells the life of a girl named Jessica who had undergone a corneal operation on her eyes a few months ago to be able to see, since due to an accident she was almost blind. She is going to live with her sister in another city because her doctor is there and she knows quite a few people including Francis, a quite silent boy. The days passed and Jessica used to have very strange visions, among them of accidents and the death of people. One day, scared that visions didn’t disappear, decides to find out the death of one of them together with a policeman who was one of the only ones who believed that she saw visions. Will they find out his history?


I liked this book a lot because there’s a lot of mystery in it and you don’t really know one hundred percent who the assassin is until the end, and that makes the book very interesting and entertaining. Also, you can read about how the life of someone who doesn’t see very well and can’t do the same things as we do is,  and I think that that is an important thing to learn.