Author/ Egilea:

Bernardo Atxaga,(Asteasu, Gipuzkoa, July 27, 1951), is a famous and prominent Basque writer, both in the Basque Country and internationally. In particular, he was famous for his collection of short stories, Obabakoak, published in 1988; it has been translated into several languages. Since then, it has become a major reference in contemporary Basque literature, especially abroad, and has received many awards. He has dealt with novels, short stories, essays and, to a lesser extent, poetry, theater and screenwriting. He has also written extensively on children’s literature. He has been a full member of the Basque Academy since 2007. 

Bernardo Atxaga, (Asteasu, Gipuzkoa,1951ko uztailaren 27a),euskal idazle entzutetsu eta nabarmena da, Euskal Herrian nahiz nazioartean. Bereziki, 1988. urtean plazaratutako Obabakoak ipuin-bildumak eman zion ospea; hainbat hizkuntzatara itzulia izan da. Geroztik, egungo euskal literaturaren erreferentzia nagusi bilakatu da, batez ere atzerrian, eta makina bat sari jaso du. Eleberria,ipuina,saiakera eta, neurri apalagoan, olerkigintza,antzerkia eta gidoigintza jorratu ditu. Era berean, haur literaturako lan ugari egin ditu.2007az geroztik euskaltzain soa da.


Istorio honek Daviden bizitza gorabeheratsua kontatzen digu. Gerra Zibilari eta Obaban gertatutako fusilatuei buruzko kontuak ateratzen hasten denean, bere oso ondoko jendea ze alderditan ibili zen konturatzeak bizitza guztia aldatuko dio. Jada ez da haurtzaroan zen mutil alai eta jostagarri bera. Espainiar faxisten basakeriak ondo-ondoan bizitzen dituenean bi aukera gelditzen zaizkio: eskuak gurutzatuta ezikusiarena eginez gorrotoa dion jendearekin batera geratu ala herriaren alde borrokatu. 

This story tells of David’s eventful life. When he begins to draw up accounts of the Civil War and the shootings that took place in Obaba, realizing what side his people were walking in will change his whole life. He is no longer the same cheerful and playful boy he was as a child. When he lives close to the savagery of the Spanish fascists, he is left with two options: to stand with the people he hates by ignoring them, or to fight for the people.

Critical opinion/Iritzi kritikoa:

If you like the history of the Basque Country and want to live close by it, don’t hesitate to read this wonderful novel by Bernardo Atxaga, you will feel immersed in the life of the time.

Euskal Herriko historia gustuko baduzu eta gertutik bizi nahi baduzu, ez izan zalantzarik eta irakurri Bernardo Atxagaren eleberri zoragarri hau, garaiko bizimoduan barrena sartuta sentituko zara.