Author: Jasone Osoro Igartua was born on August 12, 1971 in Elgoibar, Gipuzkoa and she’s a Basque writer. She has written works for children and young people, for example, the books Jara, Ezekiel and Eskularru Beltzak. Synopsis: Jara is a… Continue Reading →
Author: Shari Lapena is a Canadian novelist. She was born in 1960. She was a lawyer and an English teacher before beginning her writing career. She is best known for this thriller novel. She has written 7 books. She published… Continue Reading →
The book tells the personal experience of Curro Cañete, the writer of the book. It talks about self-confidence, the power self-confidence has, and how important it is. To know what you really want to do in your life and to… Continue Reading →
There is no doubt that religion is still nowadays a very important component of people’s lives. It can help us answer deep and meaningful questions such as our identity and if there is another life after death. Sometimes it can… Continue Reading →
This review is not about a book that I’ve read, it’s about information that I’ve read on a PDF. It is scientific information that I want to share with you. I hope you find it interesting and useful. Since the… Continue Reading →
Author/ Egilea: Bernardo Atxaga,(Asteasu, Gipuzkoa, July 27, 1951), is a famous and prominent Basque writer, both in the Basque Country and internationally. In particular, he was famous for his collection of short stories, Obabakoak, published in 1988; it has been… Continue Reading →
Understanding why teens read less than they used to do in the past is a frequent question in parents’ minds nowadays. But is it the right question they have to make to themselves? How can they be sure whether their… Continue Reading →
“The Absence” is a Greek short film created by 17-year-olds who live in Ioannina, Greece. The film has as its main topic the method of lucid dreaming, which is used by the protagonist so as to control his dreams. For… Continue Reading →
Author/Idazlea: Alberto Ladrón Arana is a Basque writer. He learned psychology and Mastery . His first novel was in the field of fantasy, in the Shadow (City of Irun Award). Since then, he has worked mainly in the field of… Continue Reading →
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How not to feel alone thanks to a good book.
Loneliness is actually one of the worst physical and mental conditions someone could ever learn about. In fact, especially when we would like to share a bad experience with others (be it the end of a relationship, a row with… Continue Reading →