
Alberto Ladrón Arana is a Basque writer. He learned psychology and Mastery . His first novel was in the field of fantasy, in the Shadow (City of Irun Award). Since then, he has worked mainly in the field of mystery: Chess Mate (Agustin Zubikarai Award), The Secret of the Black Sun and The Carpenter’s Hands.

Alberto Ladrón Arana euskal idazlea da. Maisutza eta psikologia ikasia. Fantasiaren eremukoa izan zen bere lehenengo eleberria, Itzalaren baitan (Irun Hiria saria). Geroztik, misterioaren alorra landu du gehienbat: Xake Mate (Agustin Zubikarai saria), Eguzki beltzaren sekretua eta Arotzaren eskuak.


A child is missing, and Inspector Leire Asiain will have to investigate that. As the investigation progresses, the mysterious things that happened in the child’s family and traces of dark accounts will be found and brought to light. Trying to find the truth, they find themselves surrounded by lies. Who to believe when everyone is lying?

Haur bat desagertu da, eta Leire Asiain inspektoreak hori ikertu beharko du. Ikerketa aurrera joan ahala, haurraren familian gertatutako gauza misteriotsuak eta kontu ilunen arrastoak aurkitu eta argitara aterako dira. Egia aurkitu nahian, gezurrez inguratuta aurkituko dira. Nori sinetsi, denak gezurretan ari direnean?

Critical opinion/Iritzi kritikoa:

I think the first part of the book is pretty cumbersome because it provides a lot of information. The second episode, on the other hand, seemed very interesting to me, and there are some surprising surprises towards the end. I would recommend it to people who like mystery books, but not to those who don’t like that genre very much, because it’s not very interesting from the start.

Nire ustez, liburuaren lehenengo zatia nahiko astuna da, informazio ugari ematen baitu. Bigarren pasartea berriz, oso interesgarria iruditu zait, eta bukaera aldera ezuste harrigarriak daude. Misteriozko liburuak gustatzen zaizkien pertsonei gomendatuko nieke, baina genero hori asko atsegin ez dutenei ez, ez delako oso interesgarria hasieratik.