
Shari Lapena is a Canadian novelist.  She  was born in 1960. She was a lawyer and an  English teacher before beginning her writing career. She is best known for this thriller novel. She has written 7 books. She published her debut novel Things Go Flying in 2008. Her second novel was Happiness Economics. The last book she has published is The End of Her in 2020.


The story of the book is about a kidnapping. Anne and Marco Conti are a couple with a daughter, Cora. One night, they went to have dinner at the house next door, the Stillwell’s apartment, and they left their 6 month old baby alone  because the babysitter couldn’t come. They were checking on her every half an hour, but Cora disappears. The police come to investigate and there are suspicions that everyone is hiding information on her missing. Until the end you won’t know if they have found Cora or not.

Personal opinion:

 I love this book because it’s about mysteries and disappearances. Until the end you don’t know if they are going to find the baby or not, so you can’t stop reading  it because the only thing you want is to find out what happened. So I encourage you to read it  if you like thriller novels and to discover who kidnapped Cora.